Monday, March 31, 2014

Mayor's State of the City Address March 2014

City of Orinda annually has mayor give a state of the city address outlining highlights from previous year, financial snapshot and goals for upcoming year. As mayor 2014, I gave my address March 2014 co-hosted by Rotary Club and Chamber of Commerce. It was repeated the following evening. The main issue is obtaining extra revenues for road and drainage repairs. The theme was coming together to end divisiveness from prior year, collaboration and "taking time to smell the roses." I plan to wear a rose to every city council meeting from our wonderful backyard rose garden.
Orinda Mayor 2014
Performance of  "We're All in this Together" from High School Musical
by two OIS students with Steve Harwood.

They were dancing in the aisles...

New Adventures

Onward, Press Onward, Ever Onward...
Moraga Ward Relief Society Presidency, March 2014
Diane Hoopes, Janean McBride, Melissa McDonald & Sue Severson

Kellyn at first house flip acquisition.

Glen acquires essential tool for success of KG Sygnet business venture.

Politics and Stuff

Lots going on last few months but very busy with multiple jobs of Relief Society President, Mayor, Orinda Community Foundation Board, Measure J Campaign and most importantly Grandmother. Here's a few highlights.

Manzanita Bridge reopening after seismic repair February 2014.
Amy Worth, Sue Severson, Caroline Ellsworth, Joyce Hawkins & Janet Keeter.

Presentation of proclamation at city council meeting.

Celebrating 30 years of Orinda Baseball Association; Opening Day March 2014; Threw out 1st pitch.

Orinda Community Foundation Board celebrating 4th year.
Mark Roberts, Sue Severson, Richard Westin, Dick Burkhalter, Carol Penskar & Ted Urban.

Sue supports Steve Glazer in run for CA Assembly District 16.