Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Plenty of excitement to go around with the usual Halloween costumes, candy and the added bonus of the San Francisco Giants winning the baseball world series. The photos tell it all. A new record was set this year of 395 trick-or-treaters. Despite the drizzling rain starting about 8 pm, they still kept coming until 9:20 pm. We almost rain out of candy so had to only give out one piece to late arrivals. The Chris/Pam household reported also running out of their popcorn treats so resorted to recycling Kate's candy bag. This promoted big tears and protests, so the lunchtime fruit snacks had to do. Some special visitors were captured by photo. The night before I helped Kellyn with mission of mercy to make popcorn balls for all the cub scouts in Glen's den.
Glen, Kellyn & Ralph celebrate SF Giants World Series win.

Parade downtown San Francisco celebrating victory.
Chris & Kate as Rapunzel
Abby with hidden crayon costume

Bryn, Talyn & Ralph with friend

Talyn with pet boa snake

David, Lucy & Sequoia Mitchell
Megan & friends