Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Best Friends Forever!

Keith & Saralyn Borrowman with Sue & Ralph in Provo, November 2022.

Blessed get together in Salt Lake City February 2023.

Holy Land Tour with Family and Friends

To celebrate our 50th anniversary, we planned a tour of Israel and Jordan with our children and their spouses, some siblings and friends, October 2020. Unfortunately the Covid-19 pandemic shut down the world for two years. Thus, our trip was postponed until October 2022. Here are some highlights.

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem (Sue, Melissa, Aimee, Chris, Laura, Kellyn, Ralph

Dome of the Rock adding spouses Glen, JD, Allen, Pam and Jonathan

Dome of the Rock adding siblings plus Wightmans. (Barb, Ruben, Elaine on left; Shelley, Greg, Balaine on right)

Overlooking the Sea of Galilee

Elaine, Ruben & Sue at the BYU Jerusalem Center

Ralph & Sue at Petra, Jordan

Sue & Ralph at Petra
Ruben, Elaine, Sue, Ralph, Aimee, Allen on the Sea of Galilee

Fun for Less tour group with guide Glen Rawson

Shopping in Old Jerusalem

Having fun in the Dead Sea

Bus driver Mahmoud, Guide Glen Rawson & Israel Guide Tomer

Watercolor in Galilee Hotel by Reuvin Rubin

Lion's Gate, Old Jerusalem where Christ will enter 2nd coming. Stoned in by Saladin to keep him out.

Muslim cemetery at Lion's Gate to prevent Christ return to Jerusalem.

Glen & Kellyn enjoying the benefits of the Dead Sea mud

Sisters who were mistaken for twins several times?

Masada - timeless decorations (matches townhouse MBR)

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Alaska Family Cruise July 2022

Ships ahoy. The gangs all here! Except one granddaughter who had conflict with work.

Always a special time when family is all together.

Missing some adventurous grandsons still exploring the garden.